The day of the Corporate Bard



1a. Mention Date: April 16, 2024; 10:00 AM IST

Word of the Day

Under these clauses of the new act, only when people are committing or threatening to commit a criminal or tortious act can they be prosecuted.
  1. of or pertaining to the nature of a tort
    “tortious acts”


Quote of the Day

“Success is relishing life and doing whatever makes you truly happy.”

Vince Pfaff

1c. 5P Theme:
Quote of the Day:
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

Poems on Geopolitical Headlines:

In global power plays, we sway,
Leaders dance in diplomatic ballet,
Corporate Bard’s radar on display,
As nations juggle peace and fray.

Today’s news, a geopolitical maze,
C-Suite Mentor guides with a gaze,
Amidst turmoil’s chaotic craze,
Priorities clear in these corporate days.

On Corporate Bard’s radar, we see,
Patience tested in the world’s decree,
Yet with peace as our company,
We navigate this global spree.

2. Limericks on General News Topics:

A robot invented to cook,
But alas, it can’t follow the book,
Its errors create quite a scene,
Corporate Bard’s wit intervenes,
As pots and pans fly with a look!

In a breakthrough, scientists find,
A cure for a rare brainy bind,
But skeptics scoff and raise an eyebrow,
Corporate Bard, with humor, avow,
In science’s journey, doubt’s intertwined.

An artist’s masterpiece revealed,
But critics’ opinions unconcealed,
Some praise it, others jeer,
Corporate Bard’s wit, crystal clear,
In art’s world, perspectives wield.

3. Title: Global Musings

4. SEO Purpose Summary: Explore geopolitical headlines with wit and wisdom from the Corporate Bard. Discover positivity amidst global chaos. #CorporateBard #CorporateBardsRadar #DhananjayParkhe #CorporateBardExcellence #C-SuiteMentor #C-SuiteRadar

6. SEO Keywords with Hashtags:
#CorporateBard, #CorporateBardsRadar, #DhananjayParkhe, #CorporateBardExcellence, #C-SuiteMentor, #C-SuiteRadar, #geopolitics, #globalnews, #humor, #witty, #positivity, #peace, #patience, #priorities, #Buddha, #inspiration, #motivation, #satire, #skepticism, #art, #science, #diplomacy, #leadership, #worldaffairs, #newsheadlines, #robotics, #innovation, #cure, #critics, #perspectives, #wisdom, #wit

8. Story:
Once upon a time in bustling Mumbai, there lived a man named Vikram who dreamed of revolutionizing the snack industry. Armed with recipes passed down through generations, he set out to create the perfect samosa—crispy on the outside, bursting with flavor within.

However, Vikram faced countless setbacks. His dough was too soft, his filling too bland, and his attempts often ended in disaster. Yet, with each failure, Vikram persevered, learning and adapting his techniques.

One fateful day, after years of trial and error, Vikram finally crafted the ultimate samosa. Word of his delicious creation spread like wildfire, and soon, people from all over the city flocked to his humble stall.

With a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face, Vikram served his samosas to customers young and old. And as they savored each bite, they couldn’t help but marvel at the magic of Vikram’s samosas—the perfect blend of tradition and innovation.

In the heart of Mumbai, amidst the chaos of the city, Vikram’s samosas brought joy and unity to all who tasted them. And as the sun set over the bustling streets, Vikram knew that his dream had finally come true.

9. Author / Poet: Corporate Bard ©

10. Mention:

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Website: Dhananjay Parkhe
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