HOme Sweet Home

Witty and Humorous Limerick

Mahfouz said, “Home is not where You’re born,

but where you don’t despair.

Where you can relax,

And take off your slacks,

And feel no need to compare.”

Sarcastic Limerick

Home is where the heart is, they say,

But I’d rather be someplace else today.

Where the rent is low,

And the traffic is slow,

And the neighbors don’t always complain about my play.

Satirical Limerick

Home is where you can be yourself,

Even if that means being a yelp.

Where you can fart and belch,

And leave your dishes in the sink,

And no one will give you a yelp.

I hope these limericks brought a smile to your face!

I agree, home is a state of mind. It is where we feel at peace and can be ourselves.