Should We Really “Should”?

The Power of Desire

“Should” is a strong word. It implies that we have a moral obligation to do something, or that it is the right thing to do. But what if “should” is actually holding us back from living our best lives?

In her book Daring Greatly, Brené Brown writes about the power of desire. She says that when we operate from a place of desire, we are more likely to take risks, be creative, and follow our hearts. But when we operate from a place of shame, we are more likely to play it safe, conform to expectations, and give up on our dreams.

So, what does this have to do with the word “should”? Well, when we say “should,” we are often coming from a place of shame. We are telling ourselves that we should do something because it’s what we’re supposed to do, or because it’s what other people expect of us. But when we do things out of shame, we’re not really doing them for ourselves. We’re doing them for other people.

The truth is, we don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. We have the freedom to choose our own path in life. And if we want to live our best lives, we need to start operating from a place of desire, not shame.

So, how do we do that?

Here are a few tips:

  • Pay attention to your thoughts. When you catch yourself thinking “should,” ask yourself why you’re thinking that. Are you really doing it because you want to, or are you doing it because you feel like you have to?
  • Connect with your desires. What do you really want out of life? What are you passionate about? Once you know what you want, start taking steps to make it happen.
  • Don’t be afraid to take risks. If you want to live a fulfilling life, you need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take risks.
  • Be kind to yourself. When you make mistakes, don’t beat yourself up. Just learn from them and move on.

Remember, you don’t have to live your life according to someone else’s expectations. You have the freedom to choose your own path. So, what are you waiting for? Start living your best life today!

Here are some stories, fables, foibles, anecdotes, and examples to support the theme of desire:

  • The story of the tortoise and the hare is a classic fable that teaches us that it’s not always the fastest or strongest who wins, but the one who is most persistent and determined. The tortoise in the story is slow, but he never gives up. He keeps going, even when the hare is far ahead of him. In the end, the tortoise wins the race because he never stops desiring to win.
  • The fable of the fox and the grapes is another fable that teaches us about the importance of desire. The fox in the story sees some grapes hanging high up on a vine. He wants to eat the grapes, but he can’t reach them. Instead of admitting that he’s not tall enough, the fox tells himself that the grapes are probably sour anyway. This is a mistake, because the fox could have learned from his experience and tried a different way to get the grapes. But he didn’t, because he didn’t really desire the grapes.
  • The foible of the person who always gives up on their dreams is a reminder that we should never give up on what we desire. This person is always starting new projects, but they never seem to finish them. They’re always looking for the next big thing, and they never seem to be satisfied with what they have. This can lead to a lot of frustration and disappointment.
  • The anecdote about the person who finally followed their dream is a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue what you desire. This person had always wanted to be a writer, but they never had the courage to pursue it. They were afraid of failure, and they were afraid of what other people would think. But one day, they decided to take a chance. They started writing, and they never looked back. They eventually became a successful writer, and they’re living their dream.
  • The example of the person who started their own business is a reminder that we can achieve anything we desire if we’re willing to work hard. This person had always wanted to be their own boss, but they were afraid of failure. But they decided to take a chance, and they started their own business. It was hard work, but they eventually succeeded. They’re now living their dream, and they’re an inspiration to others.
  • Here are some limericks and haiku about desire:
  • Limericks:
  • There once was a person named Fred Whose desires were quite well-bred. He said, “I want To travel the world, I won’t Be told what to do, not by you, Ned!”
  • There once was a woman named Sue Whose desires were quite new. She said, “I want To be a writer, I won’t Be afraid to take risks, not a few.”
  • There once was a person named Ned Whose desires were quite dead. He said, “I don’t want To do anything, I won’t Be bothered, not by you, not a bit.”
  • Haiku:
  • Desire is the key To unlocking your true potential. So go out and get it!
  • Conclusion
  • We all have desires. But the difference between those who live their best lives and those who don’t is that the former are willing to act on their desires. They’re not afraid to take risks, and they’re not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone. So, if you want to live your best life, start by paying attention to your desires. What do you really want out of life? Once you know what you want, start taking steps to make it happen. And don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of the process. Just learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.
  • I hope this article has inspired you to start living your best life. So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and get it!